How to Find the Right Animal Clinic for Your Family Pet

Petroglyph Animal Hospital of Albuquerque New Mexico knows how important it is to find the right Veterinarian, Animal Clinic or Animal Hospital for you and your family pet. Here are some important considerations to make when choosing the right animal clinic for your pet in Albuquerque.

One of the most important decisions to make as a pet owner is what veterinary practice in your local area is right for you and your family pet. Finding a quality health care provider for your furry or scaly friend, can promote a healthier, longer life for your adopted animal loved one. Selecting the right veterinarian is a personal decision. You’ll want to select an animal hospital practice that offers the highest available standard of care for your pet and their particular needs.

How to choose what veterinarian is right for you?

It’s always a good idea to start by asking for recommendations from friends, family and trusted neighbors. You can also ask your local breeders and pet stores for their recommendations. After you have sought the advice of people you know, the next step is to consider the following advice when actually selecting your family vet.

  • Make a preliminary appointment with prospective vets so you can get an overall feel for the facility, how they practice and what types of animals they service.
  • During your preliminary appointment, take a good look at the facility. How clean is it? Is it modern and well organized? Does the staff seem friendly and outgoing? How are the animals in the waiting room treated and behaving?
  • Ask about the different vets on staff and find out if you will be working with the same vet or if the responsibility of care is shared by the entire vet team.
  • Ask questions; lots of them. You are responsible for the well-being of your family pet and your potential veterinarian shouldn’t seem reluctant or hesitant to answer your important health care questions or concerns.
  • Once your visit has concluded, reflect on the encounter. Did you feel like you had a good rapport with the veterinarian and support staff, including the front desk person? Did you like the facility? Did they answer all of your questions?

What are some questions to ask the veterinarian and support staff when selecting an animal hospital or clinic?

Your questions may vary depending on the reason for your visit, but you can use the following list as a guide, especially when selecting a new practice to provide health treatment for your pet.

  • Does this practice have licensed veterinary technicians on staff, and if so, how many?
  • What type of animals do you treat?
  • Do you dispense and provide your own pharmaceuticals in house or am I required to order my prescriptions from an outside source?
  • Is this practice AAHA-accredited?
  • How are overnight patients monitored and cared for?
  • What types of equipment does this practice own, use, outsource?
  • Does this animal clinic refer patients to outside specialists?
  • How are patients evaluated before anesthesia and surgery?
  • What are your protocols and guidelines for pain management?

Guess what? If you have problems with your vet or no longer feel your needs are being met, you can always switch.

If you have concerns about the quality of care being provided by your current vet, don’t worry, you can find a practice that better serves your needs. Most veterinary practices, like all businesses, expect clients to come and go. Before you leave, remember to ask for a complete copy of your pet’s health records to be mailed or faxed to you or your new animal healthcare practitioner.

Petroglyph Animal Hospital serves the Greater Albuquerque, New Mexico Area. If you are looking for a new animal clinic, veterinarian, or animal hospital for your adopted furry or scaly loved one, we would love for you to consider us as part of your new pet’s health considerations.

Just Call (505) 898-8874

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What to Look for When Choosing an Animal Clinic?

Do you know what to look for when choosing your animal clinic in Albuquerque? Petroglyph Animal Hospital, located near Coors Blvd. and Paseo del Norte, is here to give you helpful advice about important considerations to make when you are selecting a new animal clinic for your pet.

Walk-In Appointments Available

We understand that many pet owners have a busy schedule. You need the freedom to take your pet to the animal clinic whenever you need, to which means you need a reliable facility that offers walk-in appointments with no scheduling necessary.

Extended Hours Throughout the Year

Of course, accidents and problems don’t always occur during business hours. Along with walk-in appointments, it’s helpful to have a veterinarian that is open late into the night, on weekends, and during major holidays.

Routine Veterinary Services

Any animal clinic you bring your pet to should be able to administer consistent care to your pet over the course of its life and development. This means being able to provide vaccinations, basic wellness exams, minor injury and illness care, and other general veterinary services.

Emergency Veterinary Services

The right Albuquerque animal clinic should also be ready to administer emergency veterinary intervention to your pet at a moment’s notice. These facilities need to be equipped with the resources and extensively trained staff that can save your pet’s life when necessary.

In-House Lab & Equipment

Just because a veterinarian can treat an emergency doesn’t mean that they can provide the long-term care that your pet needs. In fact, many emergency centers do not have the equipment necessary to provide follow-up care after the emergency. Make sure your animal clinic provides a full spectrum of services in-house.

Qualifications & Certifications

Always check to see what types of certifications and qualifications an animal hospital has before scheduling an appointment with your vet. An AAHA accredited animal clinic will meet the highest standards of veterinary excellence. You should also discover what qualifications and certifications the facility’s staff will have, looking for specialized training or memberships in notable veterinary associations.

A Warm & Welcoming Facility

Ultimately, you and your pet need to feel comfortable and confident in your veterinarian. We invite you to visit Petroglyph Animal Hospital, the friendly and knowledgeable full-service animal hospital Albuquerque pet owners trust.

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Facts about Animal Clinic Every Pet Owner Should Know

When people are looking for an animal clinic in Albuquerque, they can turn to the trusted veterinary experts at Petroglyph Animal Hospital. Our team of experienced, compassionate veterinarians and technicians are prepared to restore your pet’s health. We believe that all pet owners should have a thorough understanding of the types of veterinary services and care their pets can receive. We’ve gathered together the most important information that every family should know before they take their pet to an animal hospital or clinic.

Facts about Animal Clinics Every Pet Owner Should Know

  1. Know what an AAHA accreditation is. AAHA stands for the American Animal Hospital Association which is an accrediting body for veterinary service providers throughout the country. Not all animal hospitals and clinics pass the high standards that the AAHA sets forth. That’s why you should always trust your pet’s health only to clinics that are AAHA accredited. Petroglyph Animal Hospital is a proud AAHA-accredited animal clinic Albuquerque.  
  • Know what services your clinic provides. Not all animal clinics can tend to the needs of all pets. You should know if your local clinic provides services such as x-rays, dentistry, blood work, or emergency services. If you have an exotic animal like a reptile or bird, you should also discover the extent of services your local clinic can provide. We’re happy to provide treatment to many pets including dogs, cats, birds, reptiles and small rodents.
  • Know how to recognize a pet emergency. Pet emergencies can happen at any time which is why you should know the warning signs and symptoms your animal may experience during a serious health issue. Each pet displays different warning signs during an emergency. We invite you to view our blog or call us to learn more about these symptoms.
  • Know if there are staff is available to help during off-hours. In the event that your pet is experiencing an emergency, you should know which local animal clinics have trained staff on-site 24/7 to provide assistance.

Petroglyph Animal Hospital has trained staff on-site 24/7 to provide all of your pets with emergency and routine care. As an AAHA-accredited facility, we invite you to schedule an appointment and see when we’re a trusted animal clinic Albuquerque for pet owners.

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Animal Hospital Tips on Pet Nutrition & Wellness

You love your pet and you want to keep them happy and healthy for the rest of their lives. Although many pets will not suffer any dire medical emergencies throughout their lives, you still need to pay special attention to their lifestyle if you want to preserve their wellness.

The expert veterinarian staff at Petroglyph Animal Hospital Albuquerque wants to help you keep your pet as healthy as can be, that’s why we’ve gathered tips concerning the three most important aspects of their daily lives: nutrition, exercise, and wellness.

Tips for Proper Pet Nutrition

The health of your pet is directly related to their level of nutrition. Keep their digestive system healthy with these tips:

  • Do not suddenly switch them to another food without veterinarian discretion. This could upset their stomach and make them sick. If you need to change the brand of your dog or cat’s food, do it gradually. Mix a little new food in the with old and repeat this process until you transition over to the new food.
  • Do not give your pet food scraps. Even though you want to reward your pet with a treat from your plate, this could be unhealthy for their digestive health. Giving them extra food without tracking it can cause them to become obese.
  • Add vegetables to their diet. Cats and dogs can both have small amounts of certain vegetables added to their food.

Tips for Proper Pet Exercise

Equally important to nutrition is physical activity. Keep them moving with these tips:

  • Always consult your vet before starting your pet on an exercise program.
  • Do not let your pet play outside when temperatures are severe.
  • Stop playing or exercising with your pet if they have difficulty breathing.
  • Make sure your pet gets enough rest and water during their playtime or exercise.

Tips for Proper Pet Wellness

Our #1 tip for pet wellness? Schedule wellness checkups with your veterinarian.

Many animals do not show signs of injury or discomfort until their bodies are experiencing significant pain. Scheduling regular wellness checkups once or twice a year allows a trained veterinarian to assess your pet’s overall health and provide preventative care.

For more tips on pet health and wellness, call the animal hospital Albuquerque residents trust – Petroglyph Animal Hospital.

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